At first, I was planning to include the show windows as part of the flower show blog but i took a lot of pics, so I guess this will be a two-in-one kind of blog. It's Easter anyway, lot of reasons to celebrate .. and flowers are always part of any great celebration.
Coming to 34th Street to see the flower show, I can't help but ooh and aah at the beautiful show windows at Macy's Herald Square. I chose to go to see the flower show first and visit the show windows after.
I went to see the show windows twice, as it was early afternoon the first time I went there and I wasn't able to get a decent pic since the daylight was reflecting the buildings across the street on the show windows. So I came late the next weekend to take pics of the entire show windows.
There are six show windows facing the flower show tent. From the corner of 34th Street and Broadway, the first show window is what I call the Yellow Garden show window.
Isn't it gorgeous? A burst of color in the window, you can't help but smile. Here are some close up pics of the flowers.
Next to the Yellow Garden is the Purple Garden show window. The crotons and the flowers look great with the two mannequins.
Pics of some of the flowers ..
I call the third show window the Bromeliads window. Bromeliads are probably common in Brazil that's why Macy's devoted an entire show window to display these beautiful plants.
After these three show windows is Macy's Herald Square main entrance, which is close due to the ongoing renovation. This is what it looks like from the street.
The wall covering the main entrance did not extend to the plaque on the sidewalk. I hope they restore this, too, or clean it somehow.
On the other side are three more show windows. The first one nearest to Macy's main entrance is the White Garden show window.
I hope you love white flowers, too!
Pink on green looks so pretty!
The final show window is the Red Garden show window.
The mannequin looks like a god ruling his red subjects.
Wasn't that a feast for the eyes?
Going inside the store, I saw only one stand with flowers but it looks as pretty as the show windows.
A close-up of some of the flowers ..
For the rest of my pics on Macy's Gardens in Paradise show windows, here's my album on Flickr - Macy's Spring 2012 Show Windows.
Happy Easter!
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