Thursday, November 22, 2012

More Fall Foliage in Central Park

In a previous blog, I wrote about walking the length of Central Park and taking pics of the beautiful fall foliage. That walk was before hurricane Sandy and the nor'easter Athena. After those storms, I did my share of donations to the Red Cross, the Mayor's Fund and always include a NY Food Bank coupon every time I go to the grocery but I wanted to do more, so when I heard Central Park wanted some volunteers for the Family Volunteer Day, I gladly signed up. 

When I got to the Park, it seems I already got a "Thank You" when this view at the Harlem Meer greeted me.

Isn't it stunning? 

The Park's Family Volunteer Day for that time was at the Harlem Meer, at the northernmost part of the park. To get there, I took the 6 train and got off at the 110th Street station where I saw this subway art.

From the subway to the park, I passed by the Duke Ellington Circle at the corner of 110th Street and Fifth Avenue, named for the legendary jazz musician Duke Ellington.
In 1997, a 25 feet (7.6 m) tall statue by sculptor Robert Graham, depicting the Muses — nine nude caryatids — supporting a grand piano and Duke Ellington on their heads was erected in the middle of the shallow amphitheater composing the circle.

When I got to the Park, the Conservancy staff were there with the rakes and other things needed to clear the leaves from around the area. I didn't have the chance to walk around the Meer as we started with the Raking Project soon after.

We raked the leaves that fell on the edges of the park and put them in large garbage bags.  The little helpers were so serious with their tasks, it was a joy to see them help in any way they can.

The beautiful fall foliage made the work easier. After an hour or so of raking leaves, I stopped to rest and had another awesome view.

We then transferred to raking the leaves on the Fifth Avenue side of the Meer and on my way to the area, I saw a swan near the water. It was both a surprise and a pleasure to see it in the Park.

After two hours, volunteer work for the day is done. What a great exercise and at the same time you're helping the park. A win-win for all.

I had to hasten as I had a 12 pm ticket to see Tatsu Nishi's Discovering Columbus in Columbus Square 50 blocks south. On my way out of the park, I had one more awesome view of the trees in the North Woods reflected on the waters of the Harlem Meer.

Then it's up to climbing six flights of stairs to visit Christopher Columbus in his living room up high in the sky.

That room in the sky has great views of the park, too. Here's Central Park West and the colors of fall. On Thanksgiving, the balloons for the Macys Thanksgiving Parade will march along this street.

The following day I visited Central Park again this time starting at the south portion.  I entered the Park at the Artists Gate along 6th Avenue and had this view.

This is the westmost edge of The Pond and those tall trees are part of the Hallett Nature Sanctuary.  I walked along the pond edge and saw the big rock which overlooks the Fifth Avenue side of the pond.

It's that big rock on the right side of the above pic. You can see people on top of the rock. I decided to climb the rock and see what the park looks like from its vantage point.

Wow, look at all those colors! When i took a pic of the area near the Gapstow Bridge, more colors popped out. The Park's fall foliage looks gorgeous.

I stayed up the rock for many minutes just drinking in the sight before me. Finally, I decided to head down and saw more colorful fall foliage. 

Near the Gapstow Bridge, I came across this guy again. I saw him paint in this area several times in the past, I like looking at his paintings.

I walked to the other side of the bridge, the views there are as awesome as the ones from the south side.

There were a lot of skaters when I passed by the Wollman Rink. The trees around the rink were still showing off their colors.

At the rink I passed by someone sitting all by his lonesome. Sometimes it's good to sit down and reflect on the choices we've made in life and how it affects us and the people around us.

From the rink, I passed by the Central Park Dairy House, the park's first Visitors Center and it also houses a gift shop.

Sheep Meadow was closed for the season when I passed by but the trees there are also showing off their fall colors.

I kept on walking intending to end up at the Conservatory Water. Along the way by the East Drive are more fall foliage.

Finally, I arrived at the Conservatory Water. All the water has been drained out for the winter season, makes me miss the model sailboats.

On my way out, I passed by Trefoil Arch, one of the park's arches and also one of the unique ones. While its westside opening shown in the pic below is round, the other side has a three-lobe pattern.

I dropped by the Park again the weekend after I finished writing this. I just wanted to add a couple of pics I took of the Great Lawn. See how pretty it looks from Belvedere Castle.

On my way out of the park, I passed by the Great Lawn and this was my view.

Those glorious fall foliage were surely a sight to see. I hope more people could come and see it.  Autumn in New York is like no other!

For the rest of my Autumn in Central Park pics, here's the album on Flickr - Autumn in Central Park.


  1. so beautiful, gi! you have a great eye for photography. i specially love the reflection of the trees on the water.

  2. Thank you Shei! The park is a wonderful subject to photograph, I'm happy I could somehow capture its beauty even with my limited experience and knowledge in photography. I just wanted to share with everyone the beauty I see on my walks in the park.
