Saturday, January 28, 2012

My First Blog

Two years ago, I read about Matt Green in an article on Yahoo. He was walking across America from Rockaway Beach, NY to Rockaway Beach, OR. He was taking pictures of the things he saw and people he met along the way.  He inspired me to do the same. I love to walk, especially on weekends when I am free and have taken lots of pics during my walks. Although I've shared some on my public albums, on Facebook and on Twitter, I still have lots of pics in my hard drive. So I thought of doing a blog to share some of my walking pics.

I'd like to start by sharing my day. I took a walk in Central Park today. I love the Park, and even if I walk there every weekend, I will always find something new to marvel at and make me smile. I entered the Park through the Artist's Gate and skirted along the path to the Pond. Last weekend we had our first snow fall and I was able to take a short walk in the park.

This was how the Pond looked like then.

 This was the Pond earlier, taken from almost the same spot.

That's Gapstow Bridge on the picture, one of the Park's 36 bridges.  I went around the other side of the bridge to try to take a pic.  The sun was in front of me and my pic came out like this.

My walk took me past empty ball fields ..

to the Lake where Bow Bridge can be seen like a jewel in the sun ..

the Ramble where I saw some cardinals. I was so happy the cardinal didn't fly as I was taking the pic ..

and up to Belvedere Castle but it was closed today. It still looks as pretty as ever.

The castle had a great view of Turtle Pond.  I didn't see any turtles sunning but there were a lot of ducks and geese around ..

Time to go home now, it was a good three-hour walk. As I was on my way out, I took this pic of the Midtown buildings from the Great Lawn. I don't know what happened but the sun was kind of reflected on my pic ..

Hopped on a bus and dropped by Battery Park to take a pic of the sunset.

All in all I had a good day. How was yours?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! Just posted another one, this is getting kind of addicting :)
